CommUnity Health Connection is a free service that connects east Alabama residents with health insurance coverage through the federal marketplace (Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare”). Our certified application counselor has the experience and training to help you find a policy that is right for you!
Need health insurance? CommUnity Health Connection can help – and it’s FREE!
Almost everyone will need health care services at some point, and without health insurance, you could be faced with paying the bill yourself. Health insurance coverage allows you (and your family members) to make sure to receive the preventive care needed to stay healthy, such as check-ups and vaccines.
Quality coverage
Plans include doctor visits, hospital stays, maternity care, mental health services, emergency room visits, prescriptions, preventive care, vision coverage and dental for children, and more. Dental plans for adults are also available.
Financial Help
Depending on your age, income, and family size, you may qualify for financial assistance with the cost of a health insurance plan through the Marketplace. This assistance is in the form of subsidies and tax credits. Our certified application counselor can help you see whether you qualify for subsidies, which reduces the amount you pay for your monthly premium.
To learn more about CommUnity Health Connection, call us at our Unity Wellness Center location at 334-749-3593, extension 219.