Job Shadowing

East Alabama Health serves as a learning site for several clinical disciplines such as Nursing, Radiology, Physical Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, and Pharmacy, just to name a few.
Job shadowing opportunities are allowed for students who must complete shadowing in order to enter a clinical school program or to graduate. Job shadowing opportunities differ from clinicals in that they are intended as a brief glimpse into the professional careers offered in a health care environment.
These experiences afford individuals an opportunity to shadow a member of our health care staff, performing the duties of his or her occupation, and thus provide the job shadowers with information that may help in career decision-making.
Job Shadowing Opportunities
- Speech
- Radiology
- RehabWorks
- Physical Therapy
- Social Work
- Nursing
- Nutrition and Food Services
- Occupational Therapy
- Other requests must be arranged and approved on an individual basis.
East Alabama Health Job Shadowing Guidelines and Information
East Alabama Health welcomes the opportunity to provide interested individuals who meet the criteria above with a job shadowing experience. Job shadowing opportunities range from to 1-3 days per week, in 2-4 hour blocks, and must be arranged through East Alabama Health's Education department. Each student is given an orientation to East Alabama Health and agrees to promote East Alabama Health’s mission, vision, and values.
- Job shadowers are required to attend a non-employee orientation prior to beginning the job shadowing experience and are responsible for making the appointment for the orientation. For more information on how to schedule your orientation, please see the contact information below.
- Unless prior arrangements are made, a job shadowing schedule is required the day of orientation and must include the actual start and end times.
- Requests to shadow physicians or physician assistants must be pre-arranged with the health care professional by the person requesting to shadow.
- Job shadowers may observe, but NOT participate in any type of clinical activity or patient care during the experience.
- Name badges must be worn at all times during the shadowing experience and are provided to the student upon completion of orientation.
- Use of cell phones, pagers, beepers, or any other electronic devices is not permitted during the job shadowing experience.
- EAH will make every effort to fill job shadowing requests, but cannot guarantee placement.
Steps for Shadowing in Hospital or Ancillary Department:
- Participant contacts the East Alabama Health Education Center to request job-shadowing opportunity and provides potential days and times of availability.
- The East Alabama Health Education Center contacts the appropriate East Alabama Health personnel and sets time for job shadowing.
- The East Alabama Health Education Center confirms date/time of job shadowing with participant and makes an appointment for orientation.
- Participant attends orientation and receives ID badge.
- Participant completes job-shadowing experience in designated department.
Steps for Shadowing a Physician or Physician Assistant:
- Participant contacts physician or physician assistant and sets date/time for job shadowing.
- Participant contacts the East Alabama Health Education Center several days in advance of job-shadowing appointment to schedule an orientation and provide schedule.
- Participant attends orientation and receives ID badge.
- Participant completes job-shadowing experience in designated department.
Job Shadowing Orientation Opportunities
- Job shadowing orientation is held at East Alabama Heath Education Center
- Located at 2027 Pepperell Parkway, Opelika, AL on the following days/times. *You must have a scheduled appointment to attend.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2 p.m.
- Wednesdays at 9 a.m.
- Orientation will take approximately 45 minutes.
- You must bring proof of the following in order to attend orientation.
- A current TB skin test
- Proof of Influenza (during flu season) and COVID-19 vaccinations
How to Apply for Job Shadowing
Complete the job shadowing application and then contact Cindy Darby at either or 334-528-1261 for further instructions.